When do churches grow?


What “causes” churches to grow is a different but related question. For the moment, I’m wondering about what else is true concurrently with church growth. Here’s a partial list that comes to mind. What would you add?

  • When they are brand new, and the leadership is focused almost exclusively on reaching new people and inviting them to walk together in life transforming faith. 
  • When they become “the popular thing”  
  • When they have enough name or brand recognition that people are drawn there  
  • When the participants are enthusiastic and motivated to invite neighbors and friends 
  • When the participants have a desire and motivation to see people come to renewing faith in Jesus 
  • When there is a major crisis in the community or world and people “need” church 
  • When God’s Holy Spirit does something in a community, a church, or its leaders. 
  • When they are responding to people’s felt needs. This is initially neutral. Could be need for divorce or grief recovery. Could be need for entertainment and distraction and confirming my biases and prejudices. Either way, it works, at least initially.
  • When they engage people in ways that help them find deep meaning, purpose and healing. 
  • When they are able to engage newcomers into relationship (individually AND in groups) that help them experience hospitality, friendship, service and spiritual growth.

Clergy Renewal before Lent


clergy-renewal-1Come away and rest awhile.
Be renewed in Body, Mind and Spirit.

Lent and Easter are a busy time in the life of a congregation, and most especially for clergy and other ministry leaders.  Now that your planning is done (or nearly so) take a day for yourself. Get some rest. Visit with colleagues. Pray.

You are encouraged to come and stay for the entire day, but you are certainly free to come or as much or little as you are able. See the schedule below.

This day is being offered as a gift to you, so that you might be more ready to serve those Christ has given you to accompany into this coming season.

Please RSVP so that we can plan accordingly.
214-526-7291 or info@iVitalMinistry.org

Proposed Schedule:

  • 8:30am – Building opens – coffee and conversation
  • 9am – Gather for introductions and morning prayer
  • 10 am – Tai Chi, or individual / group prayer and conversation
  • 11am – Sharing our hopes for the Lenten Journey
  • Noon – Lunch
  • 1pm – Silent meditation or small group discussion
  • 2:30 – Prayer Exercises
  • 3:30 – Closing

Lunch and snacks will be provided during the day.
You are encouraged to bring friends and colleagues, from your own congregation or other settings.

Lessons from Leadership Struggles

Trying to form a theologically diverse community – harder than I thought…


Vital Ministry Webinar: Rev. Justin Hancock


Justin Hancock in chancelWHEN: Thursday, May 26, 1:30 pm CDT

TOPIC: Our guest will be Rev. Justin Hancock, MDiv.

The topic is “Disability, Ministry and The Church – beyond inclusion and accessibility.” Justin will help us explore new ways of understanding disability, how to think and talk about it in the church, and how the disabled and no disabled can form communities of mutuality and reciprocity.

HOW:  We use the Zoom.us platform for our webinars. You can connect via computer, mobile device or phone. Instructions are available here.
(NOTE: you will need to download and install the zoom app, which takes a few minutes, in advance of the 1:30 start time.)

Justin leads The Julian Way, a ministry to the church and the community that affirms the God-given embodiment of each person and the importance of true community as a means of enabling all people to progress toward their fullness in God. Justin and his wife Lisa (a PHD candidate in systematic theology and disability at SMU) live in intentional Christian community as part of the Missional Wisdom Fndn (MissionalWisdom.com). You can find Justin on Facebook at @TheJulWay – ( https://m.facebook.com/TheJulWay/ )

Hear directly from Justin on his The Julian Way Youtube Channel

Vital Ministry Webinar with Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer


WHEN: Wednesday, May 18th, 1:30 pm CDT.

TOPIC: Rev. Dorhauer will share his latest thoughts related to his recent book Beyond Resistance: The Institutional Church Meets the Postmodern World. Following the presentation we will have time for discussion on a range of topics.

HOW:  We use the Zoom.us platform for our webinars. You can connect via computer, mobile device or phone. Instructions are available here.
(NOTE: you will need to download and install the zoom app, which takes a few minutes, in advance of the 1:30 start time.)

MORE ABOUT JOHN:  In June of 2015, Rev. Dorhauer was elected to serve as General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ. He is the author of two books, Steeplejacking: How the Christian Right Is Hijacking Mainstream Religion  and Beyond Resistance: The Institutional Church Meets the Postmodern World. He also publishes on Huffington Post.

See the book on Amazon now.

Book description from Amazon:

Beyond Resistance is a template for those devoted to the the idea that faith should be just, generous and inspire commitment to the common good. The rise of postmodernity and its influence on the expression of faith are not the cause of religion’s perceived diminishment in capacity, relevance, and impact. To the contrary, both the Institutional Church and those who hold faith in a postmodern key can—and should—be allies in a common cause. What is unfolding is nothing short of a second Reformation, and this Reformation (unlike the previous one) can unite both the change agents and the changing institution as partners on the same playing field. This book addresses the realities faced by what too many have called a dying institution. It is a call to move the institutional church out of a modality of denial and into a perspective of hope; out of a paradigm of scarcity and into a world of possibility with a growing multiplicity of options and allies; out of a time of end-game scenarios where only the fit will survive, and into what James Carse calls an “Infinite Game,” where those who play ensure that the game continues long after they have left the field.


Bio from HuffPost:

John grew up Roman Catholic, and spent eight years studying for the priesthood before choosing another pathway. He met and married Mimi, and a few years later attended Eden Seminary and getting ordained into the United Church of Christ. He served two churches in outstate Missouri for 15 years. From there, he served as Associate Conference Minister on staff in Missouri, and then seven years as Conference Minister for the United Church of Christ in the Southwest. In June of 2015, he was elected to serve as General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ. He is the author of two books, “Steeplejacking: How the Christian Right Is Hijacking Mainstream Religion:;” and “Beyond Resistance: The Institutional Church Meets the Postmodern World.” He is the recipient of Eden Seminary’s Shalom Award, given by the student body for a lifetime commitment to peace and justice. He has a Doctoral degree in White Privilege studies, witha focus on how white privilege affects the church. Father of three and grandfather of one, married to Mimi now for 31 years, John finds much joy and pride in and with his family. He is an avid biker and baseball fan.

Download the official Bio from UCC.org.

Patient Trust

Above all, trust in the slow work of God.trust in the slow work of god
We are quite naturally impatient in everything
to reach the end without delay.
We would like to skip the intermediate stages.
We are impatient of being on the way to something
unknown, something new.
And yet, it is the law of all progress
that it is made by passing through
some stages of instability –
and that it may take a very long time.

And so I think it is with you;
your ideas mature gradually – let them grow,
let them shape themselves, without undue haste.
Don’t try to force them on,
as though you could be today what time,
(that is to say, grace and circumstances
acting on your own good will)
will make of you tomorrow.

Only God could say what this new spirit
gradually forming in you will be.
Give our Lord the benefit of believing
that his hand is leading you,
and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself
in suspense and incomplete.


Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ:
This is from the wonderful little prayer book titled Hearts on Fire: Praying with the Jesuits. It’s a great book – highly recommended.

Author Talk || Morgan Guyton

Friends –

I’m pleased to invite you to our next Author Talks with Rev. Morgan Guyton, author of the just released – How Jesus Saves the World from Us: 12 Antidotes to Toxic Christianity . Morgan will talk about the book and why he wrote it. Then there will be opportunity for conversation about the themes of the book.

#1  Online – AuthorTalk via Vital Ministry Webinars

Tuesday, 5/3 @ 5pm CDT.
Follow the instructions here to join the conversation or just listen in.

NOTE: If you join online and you’ve never used Zoom.us, you’ll want to download the Zoom app a few minutes early and navigate to the meeting room.

Then you can return there to listen to the recording in about a week.


#2  In Person – Author Talk, Lunch & ConversationMGuytonHowJesusSavesTheWorldFromUs

Guest: Morgan Guyton
When: Wednesday, May 4, Noon
Where: The Mix Coworking –
9125 Diceman Drive, Dallas, TX 75218


Morgan blogs on Patheos here at Mercy Not Sacrifice.
You can find him on Facebook @RevMorganGuyton.
And on Twitter @MAGuyton.

Hope you can join us.

See the book on Amazon here.


Christianity has always been about being saved. But today what Christians need saving from most is the toxic understanding of salvation we’ve received through bad theology. The loudest voices in Christianity today sound exactly like the religious authorities who crucified Jesus.

This is a book for Christians who are troubled by what we’ve become and who want Jesus to save us from the toxic behaviors and attitudes we’ve embraced. Each of the 12 chapters proposes an antidote for the toxicity that has infiltrated Christian culture, such as “Worship not Performance, “Temple not Program,” and “Solidarity not Sanctimony.” Each chapter includes thought-provoking discussion questions, perfect for individual or group study.

There are many reasons to lose hope about the state of our world and our church, but Guyton offers one piece of good news: Jesus is saving the world from us, one Christian at a time.



Morgan Guyton is the co-director of the NOLA Wesley United Methodist Campus Center with his wife Cheryl. His first book How Jesus Saves the World From Us: 12 Antidotes for Toxic Christianity is being published by Westminster John Knox Press. He blogs at www.patheos.com/blogs/mercynotsacrifice and has contributed dozens of articles to Red Letter Christians, Huffington Post Religion, Think Christian, Ministry Matters, United Methodist Reporter, and Rethink Church.


2015 Year End Ministry Update

ivm Mailchimp card12015 was a year filled with rewarding ministry, meaningful accomplishments, and major transitions. Thanks for your support along the way.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! As we continue to journey together through the Christmas season, I want to share a brief update on my ministry during 2015.

The year began with me completing my research and the first draft of my doctoral thesis. You can read the abstract and introduction here: kengcrawford.com/online-journal/transforming-vocations/. The research focuses on the relationship between faith and vocation, and in particular how clergy are creating sustainable and faithful ministries that are multifaceted and include income from multiple sources. This will be increasingly important as the cost of education rises, the ability of congregations to support fulltime pastors decreases, and a higher percentage of the population remain outside of traditional faith communities. These three factors necessitate increasing emphasis on ministry outside the walls of the church, requiring new ways of training, conducting, and funding such ministries.

I took another step in response to this need by formally launching the Institute for Vital Ministry (iVM – iVitalMinistry.org) through a three year agreement with the Missional Wisdom Foundation (MWF – MissionalWisdom.com) as my fiscal sponsor for my 501c3 status. The goal of iVM is to serve as a platform that supports clergy and laity who are leading congregations and community organizations. We will do this through training, education, retreats, coaching, spiritual direction and pastoral care, along with the production of print, audio, video and digital resources for these activities. I am joined by a small and growing team of collaborators and partners. We are scheduling speaking events, workshops and retreats for 2016, so if you would like to host or participate, please let me know.

In May of 2015 I earned Doctor of Ministry with Honors from SMU. Since that time I have been primarily focused on conducting research and laying the groundwork for this new ministry. My own multivocal ministry includes serving part time as pastor of St. Paul’s E&R Church UCC (StPaulUCCDallas.org) and helping to launch a social entrepreneurship coworking space with MWF (TheMixCoworking.org). My hope is that iVM can provide an increasing percentage of my family income, freeing me up for this most important and underserved work.

2016 will include two new projects along with continuing the current work:

  • AltrCall …. A gathering and exploration of stories of calling that include but go way beyond the norm and the expected. Clergy and Laity who are finding new ways to live out their call to ministry. Some will bear a family resemblance to things you already know. Others will be as if seeing ministry for the first time.
  • MultiVocal …. Discover how vocation is manifest through the six domains of human flourising, and how you can become more fully yourself, more fully whole, by discovering, developing and deploying your vocational identity in each part of your life.

You have already provides support in one or multiple ways – through collaboration, encouragement, prayers, or financial gifts. My hope is that you will continue and expand your support as 2015 ends and 2016 begins. To receive a 2015 contribution letter gifts must received by December 31st – you can send a check or contribute online. You can accelerate the pace at which this work grows and serves more leaders and organizations by making a sustaining pledge of a monthly gift in 2016. However you give, I thank you. Please tell the story of the work being done and invite others to come along on the journey – and remember, “Wherever your road leads… you don’t have to travel alone.”

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Dr. Ken G. Crawford
Pastor, St. Paul’s E&R Church (UCC)
Executive Director, Institute for Vital Ministry
iVM: Companions on your journey.
“Wherever your road leads… you don’t have to travel alone.”

VOCATION – Finding Your Voice

what is vocationYour vocation is “The voice with which your life speaks things into existence in the world.” This idea derives from the Latin etymology – vocare (to call) and vox (voice). The Hebrew text from Genesis 1 describes how God’s voice creates all that we know, including humanity, who are made in God’s image. We reason then that our lives also create things for good in the world, and this voice is our vocation. We actually have multiple vocations in our lives through the various relationship, occupations, hobbies and other ways that we engage the world.

There are many different individual and group practices than can help us to discern and develop our vocations. Over the coming months we will share some of those techniques here, and others will be presented in our workshops. You can also find them listed on our Facebook Page @iVitalMinistry.


The Fredrick Buechner Center offers the following excerpt:


IT COMES FROM the Latin vocare, to call, and means the work a man is called to by God. There are all different kinds of voices calling you to all different kinds of work, and the problem is to find out which is the voice of God rather than of Society, say, or the Super-ego, or Self-interest. By and large a good rule for finding out is this. The kind of work God usually calls you to is the kind of work (a) that you need most to do and (b) that the world most needs to have done. If you really get a kick out of your work, you’ve presumably met requirement (a), but if your work is writing TV deodorant commercials, the chances are you’ve missed requirement (b). On the other hand, if your work is being a doctor in a leper colony, you have probably met requirement (b), but if most of the time you’re bored and depressed by it, the chances are you have not only bypassed (a) but probably aren’t helping your patients much either.

Neither the hair shirt nor the soft berth will do. The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.

– Originally published in Wishful Thinking

iVM Summer 2015 Announcement

The Institute for Vital Ministry – Companions for your journey.

Summer 2015

Dear Friend in Faith,

I am writing to ask you to become an early adopter and supporter as I launch my new nonprofit – The Institute for Vital Ministry. Our primary goal is to support and strengthen the work of leaders in congregations and community nonprofits.

Leadership is difficult – particularly in the ministry and nonprofit sectors. Whether staff, volunteer or board member, the turnover and burnout rates are remarkably high. We can change that by giving these leaders the support they need for sustainable vitality in their work.


The Institute for Vital Ministry is a platform for transformation.

We are gathering a community of collaborative partners and building a platform of resources to provide leadership and life coaching, individually and in groups, through The Institute for Vital Ministry. Specifically, we provide:

  • Individual, Peer to Peer, and Group Coaching that is self-replicating and self-sustaining – leaders learn to support one another collaboratively.
  • Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Care for those who are under the heaviest burdens or seeking additional clarity.
  • Resources for leaders, including shared stories of struggle, change and transformation, so people don’t feel alone or helpless.

The Institute for Vital Ministry offers all of this and more, to any leader, any person of peace, who promotes individual and community health, well-being and flourishing.

Every $50 raised provides a coaching session or a day of conference, workshop or retreat for a nonprofit leader.

How can you help?

  • I invite you to join me in this work by doing the following:
  • Pray for this ministry and the leaders we seek to serve.
  • Spread the word to others who would be interested in supporting our efforts.
  • Contribute financially with a one time or recurring gift.
  • Contribute online: http://www.iVitalMinistry.com/Support. OR send a check to: Institute for Vital Ministry, c/o Missional Wisdom Fndn, 185 S. Whites Chapel Blvd., Southlake, TX 76092.

Thank you for joining with us in supporting the ministry and mission of Christ in the world. We also want to join with you to support your ministry and mission. Please share your story with us so that together we might discover new ways to serve and thus spread the good news.
Yours in Christ –
Rev. Dr. Ken G. Crawford