
016The following individuals and groups represent those who are helping to create this new collaborative space for ministry formation called the Institute for Vital Ministry.
In their own way they help give insight, shape and energy to this unfolding mission to
individuals and groups for the work of the kingdom of God in the world.


Headshot 1Ken G. Crawford has served for 25 years in a variety of leadership roles where a primary responsibility has been to gather, train and deploy individuals and teams to do ministry. In this work a primary focus has always been to help the people involved gain clarity regarding their passions, gifts and calling. He believes deeply that each person has worth and value because of who they are, not what they do. At the same time, each person has a meaningful contribution to make to the community and world. He is excited for the ways that iVM will help to dramatically expand this work with new partners and new models for ministry discernment and formation.


The Missional Wisdom Foundation has welcomed me into a multi-year nonprofit ministry incubator relationship. Their partnership and sponsorship will provide a community of fellow travelers and explorers with whom to wonder, discover and create. They also provide the institutional and financial framework within which I can raise funds and donors can receive charitable gift credit. Thanks so much to Elaine Heath, Larry Duggins, Bret Wells and the whole MWF Band for their welcome and support.

Collaborative Partners

These individuals and organizations are contributing their insights and resources as participants in the Institute for Vital Ministry.

St. Cuthbert’s Oratory

St Cuthbert’s Oratory, a member of Axiom Monastic Community, offers a warm welcome to all those seeking refreshment, encouragement and ongoing development on their spiritual walk. The Oratory is a house of contemplation. We pray the regular daily offices whilst also offering silent and directed retreats, a space for study, and a house of prayer.

Synchronous Life

SL Logo

We journey with clients toward personal, relational and vocational fulfillment through a six-fold understanding of human life. Through processes of conversation, discernment and assessment we clarify the current situation, the desired future, and the opportunities and obstacles between here and there. Next a strategic planning / reverse engineering helps us understand what concrete actions will be chosen to move into the desired future. Companionship for the journey through coaching helps the clients successfully make the changes needed to reach their goals.

Team Up
Team Up Logo

Team Up provides team building and organizational development and management training. Team up was started by a pastor as an intentional way to bring greater work and life satisfaction to individuals through the organizations where they work. They promote human flourishing in the workplace and help leaders to shift organizational culture in sustainable and life-giving ways.

The Grove, Dallas, Coworking


The Grove is creating community among and with social enterprises and socially conscious entrepreneurs who believe in the power of business and collaboration to bring solutions to the world’s great problems. The Grove was founded by pastors as a way to bring entrepreneurship and social transformation together, to create life giving communities in the places where people work, and to actually create a new way to work.

The Julian Way

Justin and Lisa Hancock lead The Julian Way, an experiment in bringing the wisdom of new monasticism and missional community into conversation with disability theology and the institutional church. As you might imagine, it can get pretty challenging at times. It’s also beautiful and life changing and one of the most important conversations going. The Julian Way Youtube Channel is a great place to experience Justin and Lisa first hand.

South Central Conference, UCC

The SCC collaborates with iVM to develop and distribute the Vital Ministry Webinars along with other leadership training content. The South Central Conference of the United Church of Christ is a partnership of congregations, associations, and ministries of the United Church of Christ throughout Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. From urban to rural, large to tiny, multicultural to ethnic, the SCCUCC is a tapestry of God’s beautiful diversity.


Conversation partners

Along the way, as iVM is growing and developing, we want to have strategic conversations with practitioners, whether or not they formally collaborate with the Institute.

  • Ken Janke – Ken is the founder of Groundworks Initiatives,  a 501c3 that helps Inspire, resource, and advance great Ideas. We support people in their process of personal growth, and create workspace for transformative initiatives to accelerate. Current projects include The Grove and StoryLab
  • Micha Jazz
  • Ann Michel – Wesley Seminary

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